Miglioramento Genetico II

Appunti di Miglioramento Genetico degli animali in Produzione Zootecnica - Università degli Studi di Perugia - Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria - Istituto di Produzioni Animali - A.A. 1995-96 (Appendice al Testo Base)  

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Miglioramento Genetico I

Appunti di Miglioramento Genetico degli animali in Produzione Zootecnica - Università degli Studi di Perugia - Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria - Istituto di Produzioni Animali - A.A. 1994-95 (Testo Base)  

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Locomotor evolution in the Carnivora

In the absence of direct observations, palentologists have to infer ecological an behavourial traits from dental and skeletal morphology. Functional analysis of structures and morphologies among recente relatives forms the basis of such studies. Because of the nature of the fossil record, much attention has been paid to dental morphology, which has proven to be a useful indicator of diet. However, traits such as locomotor adaptations are equally important indicators of the mode of life of individual taxa, and these have to be inferred from the appendicular skeleton.  

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Mine Detection Dogs

This document summarises the results of research from the first two years of the Mine Detection Dog (MDD) Research Programme, which was initiated by the GICHD in 2000. It was prepared by the GICHD on behalf of the mine dog detection industry, who have contributed to its development in many ways. Some contributions were sourced from outside the GICHD research programme because they are of central interest to the use of dogs for mine detection. The GICHD gratefully thanks all the authors who contributed for their time and efforts. Production of this document for the GICHD was managed by Ian G. McLean. Editing was by Ian G. McLean and Jack Glattbach. Layout was by Francoise Jaffré. The ongoing efforts, support and contribution of the MDD Advisory Group are acknowledged with thanks. The following donors provided project funding: the Governments of Germany, Japan, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. (4,5 Mbytes)  

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Livestock guarding dogs: their current use world wide

Livestock guarding dogs: their current use world wide by Robin Rigg - Robin Rigg is currently a postgraduate research student on the project Protection of Livestock and the Conservation of Large Carnivores in Slovakia, which he co-authored and launched in 2000. His research is focussed on the use of livestock guarding dogs to reduce predation on sheep and goats and a study of wolf and bear feeding ecology in the Western Carpathi ans. He has been working on a variety of other wolf and forest conservation projects in Slovakia since 1996.

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Aspects of locomotor evolution in the Carnivora

In this thesis the shape of the distal humerus trochlea is analysed using landmark-based morphometrics and multivariate methods, with the aim of exploring locomotor evolution in carnivorans. Elbow joint morphology is used together with body size and craniodental morphology to characterize past and present carnivorans. Evolutionary implications are studied at the ordinal, familial, and species levels, testing specific hypotheses about scaling, morphological constraints, evolutionary trajectories, and potential for social pack-hunting behaviour.

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La tutela degli animali: problematiche d’interesse della Polizia Municipale

La lettura del quaderno consentirà di rendersi conto di come la sensibilità verso gli animali sia aumentata almeno sotto l’aspetto dell’evoluzione normativa e giurisprudenziale; per taluni potrebbe essere ancora poca cosa; per altri, invece, le vigenti disposizioni già perseguono efficacemente la finalità che le ispira.

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